It looks like
①お米3合(180mlカップ x 3)をといで
(okome sangou (180ml kappu x san) wo toide
*Wash three gous (three 180ml cups) of (unpolished/brown) rice
Edit: These instructions purposely make the distinction between お米("okome") and 白飯("hakuhan"). I believe お米 is this sense means "unrefined" or "unpolished" rice like 玄米(genmai). Genmai looks brown to me so I said brown rice. Anyway I think the point is not to use any rice that has been overy processed.
(hakuhan sangou wo taku to onaji mizukagen shimasu)
*Add the same amount of water you would use for cooking 3 "gous" of white rice.
("gomoku kamameshi no moto" wo ire, yoku kakimazete kara suihan shimasu)
*Add the ingredients in the special pack (五目釜めしの素), mix well and then cook in the rice cooker.
A"gou" (合)is a unit of measurement (often used for rice) in Japan. One "gou" is about 180ml.
Also, if you want to make 2 gous or 4 gous of rice then you have to follow the instructions on the inside of the box.
It also says that you can add mushrooms, gobou, deep-fried tofu or other seasonal vegetables and boil together with the rice if you like.
Hope that helps.
PS: I translated that on my own but this site provides instructions for the same product different company