Haha, I recently just went to Barnes and Nobles and found a ridiculously fantastic Japanese Dictionary in the section for "foreign languages."
You can find any Japanese dictionary at almost any local bookstore - hopefully - and it will include all basic words like "street," "store," "school," etc, in it, first in english than a dash beside it with the correct japanese word and a pronounciation below it for non-fluent speakers.
Believe me, if you want to start learning, this will be the BEST way before you start taking your classes! I learned so much from these small handy books, that you can take anywhere, really. It impresses many.
Once you've somewhat learned how to pronounce and such, you can also find books in those sections on how to place correct sentences using japanese language with correct adverbs, verbs, etc when speaking. This however should be held alittle later from learning! Pronounciation is ALWAYS something you should learn beforehand!
Also, if you don't have time to buy a book so soon, go to YouTube and type in, "Basic Japanese." you will find so many videos with actual spoken audio. It's brilliant, I've learned on how to pronounce this way. :"D
Good luck!